The presentations listed below are for all speakers who consented to publish their presentation on the congress website.
Please click on the session below to view the presentations for that particular session.
Thursday 12 May
Breast Cancer Care Symposium
Radiation Oncology Symposium
Gynae-Oncology Symposium
Immuno-Oncology Symposium
Research Workshop
Vascular Access Device & Infusion Therapy Symposium
Friday 13 May
Plenary Session 1
Plenary Session 2
Concurrent 1 - Bridging the Gap
Concurrent 2 - Workforce
Concurrent 3 - Breast
Concurrent 4 - Immuno-Oncology
Concurrent 5 - Gynae-Oncology
Plenary Session 3
Saturday 14 May
Plenary Session 4
Concurrent 6 - Rural and Remote
Concurrent 7 - Care Considerations
Concurrent 8 - Practice, Pathways and Innovations
Concurrent 9 - CVAD
Concurrent 10 - Hot Topics
Plenary Session 5
Thursday 12 May
1010am - Margaret Barton-Burke - Identifying the gaps and the role of the breast care nurse - what can we learn from the international experience
1050am - Andy Redfern - Breast cancer risk and disease outcomes for Australian Aboriginal women
1130am - Natalie Rainey - Evidence, benefits and burdens; 5 years versus 10 years of adjuvant endocrine therapy
1200pm - Andy Redfern - Why are survival rates so low for young women with breast cancer? The AIHW report
1330 - Gelarah Farshid - From benign to cancer, what lesions matter and why? Screening and imaging - Presentation not available for publication
1415pm - Tim Clay - Advances in breast cancer treatment: PARP inhibitors
1515 - Phyllis Butow - Does stress cause breast cancer? Presentation not available for publication
1005am - Gabrielle Vigar - Brachytherapy
1040am - Monique Blanchard - Stereotactic radiotherapy
1115am - Michelle Roach - Tomotherapy
1150am - Angela McBean - Gamma knife
1250pm - Cas McIntyre and Linda Cibau - Sexuality, the impact of radiotherapy during and beyond treatment
1335 - Margaret Hjorth, Linda Cibau and Jill Graham- Evidence based practices in managing patients undergoing radiotherapy
1445 - Jill Graham - eviQ Updates - radiation oncology
1520 - Margaret Hjorth, Linda Cibau and Jill Graham - Case study group discussion - what to consider beyond symptom management
1015 - Lisa Whop - Indigenous women's participation in cervical screening and its given consequences (Presentation not available for publication)
1100 - Anne Mellon - Treatment side effects and management (case studies and discussion)
1200 - Elizabeth Jackson - Future changes to cervical screening
1300 - Hayley Russell - Ovarian Cancer Australia: support services and the resilience kit
1330 - Haryana Dhillon - Rekindle Project
1400 - Nicole Kinnane - Survivorship Care Plans in Gynae-oncology
1500 - Danielle Carpenter - Low risk endometrial cancer - follow up project
1530 - Olivia Cook - Gynaecological Oncology - specialist nurse project
1010 - Tim Clay - Cancer and the Immune System
1115 - Melanie Poorun - Types of immune therapy - different modalities and their immunological targets and actions - Presentation not available for publication
1245 - Megan Lyle - Immunotherapy use in cancer
1415 - Megan Lyle - Toxicities - risk factors, detection and management
1515 - Donna Milne - Case study - diagnosis, treatment, effects, side effects, wellness, survivorship and patient education - Presentation not available for publication
1015 - Patsy Yates, Sandie McCarthy, Kim Alexander and David Larkin - Developing a research project
1245 - Patsy Yates, Sandie McCarthy, Kim Alexander and David Larkin - Grant writing for success
1515 - Abstract writing and conference presentations
Vascular Access Device & Infusion Therapy Symposium
1015 - Nancy Moureau - Skin colonisation as a risk factor in central line associated infections
1115 - Nancy Moureau and Julie Flynn - Needless connectors & ANTT decontamination
1315 - Jocelyn Hill - Success and challenges of a home infusion program: bridging the gap between hospital and community
1430 - Jocelyn Hill and Sarah Northfield - CVAD maintenance to reduce occlusion and infection; flushing and dressing and securement
1550 - Nicole Gavin - Wrap up and close
Friday 13 May
0900 - Margaret Barton-Burke - Disparaties in cancer care: nursing strategies to bridge the gap
0940 - Sanchia Aranda - Addressing outcome disparities - opportunities for Australian cancer nurses to make a difference
1050 - William Runciman - Bridging the gap between evidence, the guidelines and care delivery
1130 - Patricia Staunton - What do you mean 'duty of care'? - Presentation not available for publication
Concurrent 1 - Bridging the Gap
1300 - Isabella Wallington - The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cancer Framework
1320 - Lisa King - Cancer treatment side effects: supporting the Aboriginal Health workers to meet the information needs of people with cancer
1340 - Mandy Punch - Promoting Aboriginal Cancer Nurses and building the cultural understandings of our Women's Cancer Service
1400 - Deb Rawlings - Culturally appropriate online resources to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people at the end of life
1420 - Jennifer Chynoweth - Addressing variations in outcomes for nonmetropolitan women with breast cancer - Presentation not available for publication
1440 - Georgina Wiley - On the road to recovery: developing evidence based and consumer informed resources for Arabic, Italian and Vietnamese cancer survivors living in Australia
1300 - Deb Rawlings - Helping to close the gaps in bereavement care for oncology nurses: the role of online resources and information
1320 - Kylie Ash - Credentialing for nurses: a specialist nurse credentialing program, opportunities for CNSA
1340 - Mei Krishnasamy - Oncology support staff and patient experience: an opportunity for greater workforce integration
1400 - Sue Schoonbeek - Pre-post evaluation of learning culture in a tertiary cancer nursing service
1420 - Suzanne Oakley - Improving staff compliance with chemotherapy administration policy and decreasing medication errors: A Tawam experience
1440 - Grace Buchanan - Expanding the reach of a cancer clinicians communication curriculum: case study of a Cancer Council multi-state pilot partnership
1300 - Jane Mahony - Keeping abreast of future need: the growing demand for breast care nurses
|1320 - Gelarah Farshid - Is it screening or treatment saving lives: the DCIS and over treatment argument that won't go away - Presentation not available for publication
1400 - Margaret Hjorth - The "breast" advice for managing radiation skin reactions
1420 -Gillian Kruss - Developing a specialised metastatic breast cancer nursing role at your organisation: factors to consider
1440 - Gillian Kruss - The effective management of patients receiving oral anti-cancer therapies to treat metastatic breast cancer (MBC) from a breast care nurse (BCN) perspective
Concurrent 4 - Immuno-Oncology
1300 - Tim Clay - Same, same but different. The significant of gene expression in identifying treatment targets and patient survival. (waiting to upload presentation)
1400 - Melanie Poorun - Cancer immunotherapy - a closer look at selected agents - Presentation not available for publication
1300 - Jennifer Chynoweth - The National Framework for Gynaecological Cancer Control
1320 - Natalie Williams - Talking about sexuality: the perceptions of gynae cancer nurses
1340 - Jessica Jude - Exploring the menopause and fertility information needs of women with gynaecological cancer
1400 - Tracey Dryden - Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the cervix: an exploratory study of the prevalence of emotional and psychological distress levels and needs for support from the patient experience
1420 - Pauline Rose - Pelvic insufficiency fractures following radiation therapy for gynaecological cancers: a survivorship issue
1440 - Kate Beyer - Establishment of a nurse led late effects clinic in radiation oncology in regional QLD
1520 - Rachel Hughes - A bridge without gaps: the goals of care in AYA and how they mirror other disparate cancer populations
1600 - Jocelyn Hill - Closing the gap between evidence and practice through clinical guideline development and implementation
Saturday 14 May
0900 - Margaret Barton-Burke - Moving beyond contemporary cancer nursing to bridge the gap
0940 - Gail Garvey - Strategies to address inequities in cancer outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians
Concurrent 6 - Rural and Remote
1120 - Sabe Sabesan and Justin Hargreaves - Assessment of the patient using a Telehealth model: a collaborative approach
1220 - Lea Marshall - I no longer feel alone with this: supportive cancer care by non cancer community nurses in regional Victoria
1240 - Lee Kennedy - Gaps in cancer information and support - survey of rural consumers and service providers
1300 - Kate Wakelin - Bridging the rural - metropolitan divide - development of a specialist nurse service for patients with neuroendocrine tumours
Concurrent 7 - Care Considerations
1120 - Pammie Ellem - Breast Care Nurses - bridging the tyranny of distance with trust and support
1140 - Alexandra McCarthy - A 12 year population based study of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) incidence, tumour characteristics and invasive breast cancer recurrent in QLD women
1200 - Alison Marven - Missed nursing care: a nurses perspective
1220 - Anne Williams - Stress, coping and resilience of cancer nurses at two hospitals
1240 - Mei Krishnasamy - An exploratory study of the care experience of patients diagnosed with myeloma
1300 - Alexandra McCarthy - Scoping an intervention to enchance men's wellness after prostate cancer treatment
Concurrent 8 - Practice, Pathways and Innovations
1120 - Angela McBean - Gamma knife - cutting edge technology in the treatment of brain metastases
1140 - Melanie Price - Development of an adaptable evidence based clinical pathway for the management of anxiety and depression in adult cancer patients - a practical Australian innovation
1200 - Joanne Shaw - Identifying and responding to anxiety and depression in adult cancer patients: development of an online communication skills education program for oncology nurses
1220 - David Salvestrin - Implementing best practice approaches for the management of lung cancer: a national approach
1240 - Natalie Bradford - Improving the management of the febrile child with cancer across Queensland
1300 - Keith Cox - Integration of community based care for patients receiving chemotherapy in the outpatient setting - testing a new model
1120 - Tanya Clark - Putting it all together: providing an evidence based service for PICC patients enabling changes and best practice
1140 - Fiona Gillanders - Creating an electrocardiograph guided (ECG( PICC insertion service - lessons in changing practice and changing minds
1200 - Natalie Bradford - Can saline replace heparin to prevent occlusion in long-term Central Venous lines in children? - A Cochrane systematic review
1220 - Claire Kelly - Patient satisfaction and self-reported adverse events associated with Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters (PICC) in patients receiving chemotherapy in a private outpatient oncology unit: a pilot study
1240 - Nicole Gavin - Developing a central venous access device registry
1300 - Raymond Chan - Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter Securement and Dressing Effectiveness in the Acute Care Setting: a pilot randomised controlled trial (the CASCADE trial)
1120 - Chris Brown - An exploration of medical emergency team response at the end of life for people with cancer
1140 - Nicole Kinnane - How will cancer survivors use survivorship care plans (SCPS?)
1200 - Elisabeth Coyne - An international exploration of patients and family during acute care: what predicts family strengths and resources
1220 - Polly Dufton - Unscheduled emergency department presentations by cancer patients - Presentation not available for publication
1240 - Jane Phillips - Medicinal cannibis use and preferred modle of administration: preliminary results from an anonymous patient survey to inform medicinal cannabis phase II and phase III trials for cancer -related anorexia-cachexia
1300 - Sarah Northfield - Factors that influence palliative care referrals for hospitalised patients with advanced caner: an integrative review
1430 - Sabe Sabesan - Telehealth for cancer care: new models of care to address old problems