Please click on the links below to download the abstracts that are available for each session.
Plenary Session Abstracts
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Poster Abstracts
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Concurrent Session 1
50 Years in Cancer Nursing Research: How does our experience inform future scholarship?
Research by nurses working in cancer environments is constantly evolving as it responds to the changing nature of healthcare delivery, the socio-political context, research funding environments and importantly, to the expectations and narratives about patients and their role in health care. This session brings us speakers who began their research careers in different decades and environments. Each will outline their contribution to research in a cancer nursing context and consider the contextual factors that shaped their research careers. The aim of the session is twofold: to trace the evolution of research by cancer nurses in Australia and its contribution to patient care and secondly, to consider how the learnings from these experiences can help inform the development of successful careers in research for the cancer nurses of the future. The session will end with an interactive panel discussion focused on the development of cancer nursing scholars of the future and to consider the forces that will shape their careers along with the opportunities they will have to shape healthcare for people affected by cancer.
Concurrent Session 2
Changing Practice
Concurrent Session 3
A Good Death
Facilitated by the Pam McLean Centre, this interactive session is supported by experienced actors, and will unpack the provision of quality care in facilitating a good death for patients and families who face a life limiting illness (2 hour session).
Concurrent Session 4
Quality, and Safety and Industry Updates
Concurrent Session 5
Patient Education and Support
Concurrent Session 6
Nurse Led Care and Innovations
Concurrent Session 7
Concurrent Session 8
A Good Death
This interactive session will be supported by experienced actors whom will unpack the provision of quality care in facilitating a good death of patients and their families who face a life-limiting illness.
Concurrent Session 9
Clinical Practice and Implications
Concurrent Session 10
Breast and Gynae
Concurrent Session 11
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